SV 122                                                                         
                     was an online "newsletter" to support the Computer Club
     A good number of Stewkley Residents have an understanding of Information Technology - I.T.
       Some know how to use applications, others have found out useful tips and tricks,
           a few residents of Stewkley are I.T. professionals . . . who might be friendly enough to share their wisdom.
           We have dedicated Apple-Mac users and several open-source Linux enthusiasts.        I.T. can be fun !
     Acronym Humour        You may get G.A.R.B.A.G.E. - Generally Acceptable Reasonably Brief apt Guided Explanations
                                     or                  T.R.I.P.E            -      Technical Reading In Publication Explanation
     Some PCs "remember" the layout of an "old" web page,
       you might like to try pressing the refresh button on your browser from time to time to see what happens.
       Computer Club is open to local residents and friends. It is associated with Stewkley Methodist Church and Mend-it