1408: Ownership
SV 1408
virtual card: our own projects
What belongs to us is important
"The colourful wrapping on the item being pulled from the bran tub seems to be full of eastern promise"
"My uncle´s old cricket bat looks only fit for the jumble sale, but it´s almost a family heirloom"
"The poor thing may look rough, but it is OUR hampster"
In the lyrics by the Sherman Brothers (Mary Poppins - A Spoonful of Sugar) we hear ...
"In every job that must be done, there is an element of fun
You find the fun and snap, the job's a game"
The feeling that we own something makes it more pleasant to do something that is connected
Joining the Opinion
Consultation, explanation and having a forum for new ideas is an important participation
Shared ownership is better than none
Early participation in a scheme improves it´s chances of success