From the pages of the Grapevine
Hello Everyone,
This is the first of my contributions to the Grapevine and it is to introduce myself;
Rev Howard Robson, Team Rector of the Cottesloe Benefice which of course includes Stewkley.
My wife Joanna and I arrived here on June 16 and I was licenced on June 23.
Since then I’ve had several meetings around the Group to meet folk from the eight churches
and a very good and interesting time it has been.
We´ve moved from the community of Littleport in East Cambridgeshire, a place of ten
thousand people,
after being Vicar there for nearly seven years.
Before that we were in South Norfolk with a group of five villages.
We have three adult sons and three grandchildren, though they live in
Australia. Joanna is an avid quilter and keen amateur photographer and
I enjoy sedate canoeing, fell-walking and classic, some say just old, cars.
Before ordination I worked for a high street bank and having now been
ordained for twenty years, I have always worked in parish ministry. There
are remarkable cross-overs between money and faith and I also have a
keen interest in the way the church speaks about the Gospel; different
ways of doing church proclaim the same
Gospel message of Christ’s
redeeming love and power.
I´m very much looking forward to meeting you over the forthcoming weeks and months as the churches reopen,
but should you wish to be in touch, please do so, we are living in Wing.

Wishing you every blessing Howard