Originally known as "Men´s Mutual", this was an educational meeting to while away a dark evening in fellowship
with other like minded villagers, in the days before television became the entertainment of choice.
For some years Mutual Fellowship has been open to local people of all genders and creeds,
definitely including women ... But some old Stewkley folk still call it "Men´s Mutual"
Mutual Fellowship was mainly held in the Schoolroom, with talks from invited speakers during the season.
Largely owing to the current crisis and the need to find a route forward, it has been suggested that
the new meeting be held during an afternoon timeslot, it may employ a format that has been bandied about
similar to "Philosophy at the Chapel" ... to have a "Meeting Chairman" rather than a speaker
Community Meeting
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| Friday | |
Mutual Fellowship, during season |
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with particular appreciation and thanks to our organisers ** John And Linda Jones **