Stewkley Wildlife Reserve
Small Tortioseshell
Small Tortoiseshell- Aglais urticae
Flight time - All Year
Wingspan - 50mm
This is a familiar butteryfly that is to seen anywhere around the village, and in fact the Country.
It can be seen as an adult any time of year that is warm enough for it to fly.
Eggs are laid in May and July, on Stinging Nettles which is the food that the caterpillars feed on. After a month the caterpillar changes into a crysalis, which another month later emerges as the grown butterfly.
The Small Tortoiseshell butteryfly is one that is fond of the flowers of the Buddlia bush if you have one in your garden.
It can be seen as an adult any time of year that is warm enough for it to fly.
Eggs are laid in May and July, on Stinging Nettles which is the food that the caterpillars feed on. After a month the caterpillar changes into a crysalis, which another month later emerges as the grown butterfly.
The Small Tortoiseshell butteryfly is one that is fond of the flowers of the Buddlia bush if you have one in your garden.